A Near Future To Accommodate Asylum-seekers In Mexico City
Location: Plaza Santo Domingo, Mexico City
Adivsor: Marcos Sanchez
Date: Aug. 2021 - Dec. 2021
Adivsor: Marcos Sanchez
Date: Aug. 2021 - Dec. 2021
Under Mexican law, church properties are politically exempt zones. Under the circumstances, the church and its property can provide political asylum to refugees. This project proposes a new design for the plaza, one that has both a public function and provides accommodations to asylum-seekers. The surface of the plaza is redesigned as a public park, while lower levels, arranged around courtyards, furnish temporary housing. Refugee individuals and families have separate living spaces, with private bedrooms and shared dining room, kitchen, living room and convenience store. In the future, Plaza Santo Domingo would become a safe waiting place for refugees to temporarily stay before receiving their legal status.