Med-Hive Design
Location: The USC Village, LA, USA
Adivsor: Patrick Tighe
Date: Jan. 2021 - May. 2021
Adivsor: Patrick Tighe
Date: Jan. 2021 - May. 2021
The scheme of our project is envisioned as a stack of cubes on a grid. By stepping up from the street level and reaching a peak.neight of just 75 feet , the building wil integrate gently into the scale of its surroundings, which includes a low density and small scale dimensions of the neighboring residential area. This building can be characterized by its compatibility with the district and architecture affordability.
The ground plane is lifted to maximize the landscape. The rooftop serves as public open gardens and amphitheaters. The exhibition gallery is located on the floating volumn above the ground, with transparent glazing on the north and south sides in order to provide visual access of the surrounding city. The gallery allows for flexible venues that can be used for a variety of functions. The floating transparent volume gives the building an iconic presence.